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Отже, ви принесли цуценя в будинок, поставили на підлогу і розчулилися його першими кроками у вашому житті. А майбутнє цього малюка зовсім не так прекрасно і безхмарно, як ви собі уявляєте. Більшість перших слів для чотириногого новосела буде починатися з "не можна!" І від того, як ви йому це поясните, буде залежати найближчим розподіл ролей у вашому домі. 

"Привчання до туалету". Для початку організуйте малюкові туалет десь у зручному місці, ...


Лабрадор - це досить універсальна і різнобічна собака. Він відмінний компаньйон - хороший і вірний друг, чудовий мисливець, рятувальник і митник, поводир і помічник для інвалідів, нирець І це ще далеко не всі сторони, в яких лабрадор має таланти.
І так розглянемо докладно основні якості лабрадора: лабрадор - компаньйон лабрадор - мисливець лабрадор - рятувальник лабрадор - митник лабрадор - поводир і помічник для інвалідів лабр...


 Стандарт породи лабрадор ретрівер 

Стандарт FCI № 122 (29.01.1999) 

Група 8. Ретривер, спанієлі, водяні собаки. 
Секція 1. Ретривер. 
З випробуваннями робочих якостей. 

ЗАГАЛЬНИЙ ВИД: Міцного складання, збитий, енергійний; широка черепна коробка; широка і глибока груди в ребрах; поперек і задня частина широкі і міцні. 

ПОВЕДІНКА І ТЕМПЕРАМЕНТ: З хорошим характером, дуже рухливий. Чу...



Історія лабрадорів виходить від початку 19 століття. В цей час на острові Ньюфаундленд існував так званий «маленький ньюфаундленд», який був вірним помічником рибалок. Англієць Пітер Хокер завіз до Великобританії кілька таких особин, яких називав «St. John's Breed of Newfoundland ». Від схрещування цих собак з КУРЧАВОШЕРСТНИЙ ретрівером і, можливо, фоксхаундів і сетером, з'явився лабрадор. 

Перший стандарт по...


 Александр Зеленин, эксперт-кинолог, член Союза журналистов России

Отрадно видеть, что с ростом популярности лабрадоров в нашей стране главный упор в цивилизованном разведении делается на генетически осмысленное получение потомства от племенных производителей с устойчивой психикой и отменными физическими данными.Поэтому особую роль для получения высоких показателей на выставке среди равных по статям экстерьера лабрадоров принадлежит хэндлингу, ведь зачастую собаки проигрывают дру...


Беременность и роды у лабрадоров

Татьяна Димитриу

Итак ваша собака повязана. Беременность или щенность - период от момента зачатия до родов. От первой вязки этот период составляет 63 дня. Рождение щенков на 59-й или 66-й дни является нормальным. У собак, как и у людей, может наблюдаться рвота в утренние часы. Обычно это наблюдается на 3 - 4 неделе беременности и связано с гормональными изменениями и с растяжением матки. В это время рекомендуется кормить суку несколько раз в день мал...


Черный окрас лабрадора ретривера

Черный окрас может быть чисто доминантным, тогда все потомство родится черным, независимо от того, какого цвета был второй родитель, или не полностью доминантным, то есть давать все три окраса (даже в одном помете). Черный окрас определяется доминантным аллелем В (Black - черный), расположенным в хромосоме в локусе В. Аллель В гена черного окраса доминантен по отношению к рецессивному аллелю b (brown - коричневый) шоколадного.

Лабрадоры, имею...


Since the story of a puppy education, I want to give an opportunity to express their opinion specialist breed Labrador, the owner of the kennel "Gudkvayts" and "Loyalhart" - Andrey Vinogradov. He lives in Tver, is engaged in Labradors for many years and has achieved excellent results not only in the international ring, but also in getting job qualifications for their dogs abroad. 

Several times the hunters turned to me and complained that unfairly bypassed educat...


In those days, when I learned the basics of dog training, and later - began his career as private providers, it was difficult to predict the future popularity of this wonderful breed. To be honest, the Labradors, like most of the species, so familiar to us now, then really did not know anything. We have seen pictures in foreign books and magazines, and occasionally met with in Russia, dogs called Labradors, but napominayushih these illustrations are only remotely: big, black, angular, ...


If you want to get a dog, and opted for the Labrador retriever, then you need to have at least a rudimentary understanding of this breed. Then you will not fall into the trap of zoobusiness enterprising businessmen, who often offer "something" by providing your puppy the most flattering features, like: "Here it is - supernastoyaschy Labrador." The true picture of a dog of any breed there after reading the main provisions of the standard.Knowing how basic requirement...


Choosing a puppy - always an easy task. After all, we choose a friend for 10-15 years! Dogs - not a car, did not like - you can not sell. We're responsible owners, is not it? The decision to choose a puppy should be taken very carefully, weighing all the "pros" and "against", taking into account all the nuances and possible problems. 

In various dog magazines and the Internet, there are many articles and advice on choosing a puppy of any breed....


Army dog named Sabi presented an award for bravery Australian Department of Defense. 

Labrador Retriever Sabi has witnessed a military patrol, which served as part of a dog, got into an ambush arranged by the militants. During combat, nine soldiers were wounded, including the owner of Sabie. 

After the battle, a service dog could not be found. As it turned out, miraculously survived the Sabi, and did not get to the Taliban. Only 14 months later, the dog foun...


Labrador guide named Salti saved his blind master from certain death. A faithful friend brought Colombian Omar Rivera, working in the U.S., from an already burning World Trade Center towers in New York.
Rivera was in his office on the 71st floor of a skyscraper. "Even at the sound of approaching aircraft, I felt nervous Salti, and after the explosion, demanding pulled the ladder" - Rivera told reporters. A faithful friend patiently, step by step, the fragm...



Labrador, who discovered more than 40 million smuggled cigarettes, leaving the service at customs.10-year-old Lucky spent at the border with Lithuania Budzhisko paragraph 7 years. It is through this transition offenders trying to bring cheap cigarettes from Russia to the EU. 

For good work the four-footed enemy smugglers bestowed a special gold award. "He has found millions of cigarettes, which could fill four large trucks. Price confiscated by Lucky smuggling - more ...


One of the best schools for the preparation of the Australian Customs dog is considered. It is not many people know that this train working dogs, and for other countries, including USA, China and Japan. This center was created in 1969 and the first dogs that have passed this course, became Resignation animals taken from shelters. Meanwhile, in the early 90s when the school organized its own nursery, where he engaged in cultivation of tetrapods that are optimal for custom work.&nbs...


Labrador - Athlete 
Labrador 3 seconds picking up speed 20 km / h Swims at a speed of 5 km / h, which is twice the rate of diving ducks and the average walking speed ravnyaeetsya people Dives to a depth of 14 meters Can swim 25 meters underwater Jumps in length by 8 meters. Scent from Labrador to 25% greater than the scent of German Shepherds. Labrador is very clever dog 

By rezultatm research scientists from the University of Bri...


Labrador is an excellent companion. Throughout the world, Labrador is one of the most intelligent, obedient, reliable, and talented companion dog. The modern Labrador - friendly, nonaggressive dog. He's a great helper-companion. 

This is a great dog for the content in a city apartment, thanks to its thick fur, and proper combing, you almost do not notice the hairs on the floor and furniture. Labrador will sleep in the place where you allow it. This is a great...


The first Labradors were brought to England with fishermen and settled in Dorset. Very soon the news of their amazing abilities to the abilities of apportirovke spread across the country, these dogs are interested in the rich landowners. Will they become good podruzheynymi Retriever? And Labradors did not disappoint. Heart of the English aristocracy were subdued by these reliable, balanced, obedient dog that is great apportirovali and worked equally well both in water and ...


Labrador rescue one of the earliest starts to work in the field of disasters, rescuing people under the rubble of destroyed buildings, from avalanches or in the icy water to save drowning. 

Labradors are ideal for rescue work, as distinguished by good humor and incredible passion to the search. The first quality is very important for search dogs, as people under the rubble of collapsed homes and so on, in a state of shock. They may scream, push, or even attack their ...


Thanks to his exceptional abilities Labradors are often used at customs. With gorgeous scent Labrador can search for explosives and drugs. Their work is very important at airports. 

As a result of a three-year study Labrador dog was recognized as the best employee of the customs. The study was conducted jointly by the University of Melbourne and the Association of Guide Dogs Australia, as well as professional breeders labradors. At the same time breeders and gene...


A balanced character and innate caution Labrador is best suited for a guide for the blind and helpers for people with disabilities. 80% of guide dogs in the world are Labradors. They are calm, alert and well oriented in space. Labrador can remember the 45 routes. For comparison, the German Shepherd - only 20-25. 

Labrador guide helps the visually impaired do not get lost, right to cross the road. For people who are lonely, and deprived of meaningful co...


Labrador has everything a great swimmer and diver. In Labrador, a special membrane between the toes. This is a great dog Plavec. He swims at a speed of 5 km / h, twice the skrost diving ducks. 

Labrador has vydrovy tail, which helps keep the water and used as a rudder. Thick woolen cover the body - heats the water in the Labrador, and through dense undercoat a dog almost gets wet. 

Water for Labrador Retrievers - native element, they are not onl...


 Labrador Retriever Breed Standard

Standard FCI # 122 (29/01/1999)

Group 8. Retrievers, spaniels, water dogs.
Section 1. Retrievers.
With working trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Strongly built, knit, energetic, broad skull, wide and deep edges of the breast, waist and back of the broad and strong.

BEHAVIOUR AND CHARACTER: On the good character, very mobile. Excellent scent, a soft bite, a passion for water. Adaptable, devoted companion. Intelligent, insightful ...



History of Labrador comes from the early 19th century. At this time in Newfoundland there was a so-called "small Newfoundland," which was a faithful assistant to fishermen. Englishman Peter Hawker has delivered to the UK several of these individuals, whom he called «St. John's Breed of Newfoundland ». From crossing these dogs with retriever Curly and possibly setter and the Foxhound, Labrador appeared. 

The fir...


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