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We'll tell you about the most wonderful breed of dogs - Labrador retrievers. Owners of Labrador, of course, will disagree with this assertion, and those who intend to start a Labrador agree with it later. Since the Labrador is a great dog and prekoasny friend.
Labrador retriever is probably the most popular breed of dog in the world. Originally this breed was bred as working dogs, Labradors and therefore many are still used as a podruzheynyh dogs, guide dogs, rescue dogs. The breed originated in Newfoundland on the east coast of Canada. 

Labrador - a great companion, adaptable, easy ability to train, kind, intelligent, affectionate, bold and beautiful with character. The dog, which can go "through fire and water." 
Due to its breeding qualities, it is widely used. On the hunt, he would find and submit a wounded game, works well on all types of rescue, the dogs are used at the customs, traveling can work as a sled dog. Congenital prudence and good memorizing routes make these dogs are indispensable helpers for the disabled. This is one of the most obedient and reliable dog, loyal, intelligent friend. The true representatives of this breed sociable lack of aggression and easily trained. 

With the proper education of Labrador will not bring inconvenience. Trained dog performs about 200 teams. Labrador has a highly developed intuition, he carefully observes the mood in the house and going through that trouble did not happen. 

Short, tight-fitting coat, usually does not cause allergies, and her easy to maintain. I should add that Labrador is very beautiful, elegant, intelligent and clean dog. 

This is - the best dog for home and family, but he is not guarding and yard. Labrador is suffering from loneliness and inability to please his master. 

Our website we have dedicated this beautiful breed. Several years ago, we have a new family member - a small little black labradorchik. He became the ornament of our family routine. We gave him his love, and he gave us his own. And life was beautiful.

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