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If you want to get a dog, and opted for the Labrador retriever, then you need to have at least a rudimentary understanding of this breed. Then you will not fall into the trap of zoobusiness enterprising businessmen, who often offer "something" by providing your puppy the most flattering features, like: "Here it is - supernastoyaschy Labrador." The true picture of a dog of any breed there after reading the main provisions of the standard.Knowing how basic requirement...


Choosing a puppy - always an easy task. After all, we choose a friend for 10-15 years! Dogs - not a car, did not like - you can not sell. We're responsible owners, is not it? The decision to choose a puppy should be taken very carefully, weighing all the "pros" and "against", taking into account all the nuances and possible problems. 

In various dog magazines and the Internet, there are many articles and advice on choosing a puppy of any breed....


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