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Army dog named Sabi presented an award for bravery Australian Department of Defense. 

Labrador Retriever Sabi has witnessed a military patrol, which served as part of a dog, got into an ambush arranged by the militants. During combat, nine soldiers were wounded, including the owner of Sabie. 

After the battle, a service dog could not be found. As it turned out, miraculously survived the Sabi, and did not get to the Taliban. Only 14 months later, the dog foun...


Labrador guide named Salti saved his blind master from certain death. A faithful friend brought Colombian Omar Rivera, working in the U.S., from an already burning World Trade Center towers in New York.
Rivera was in his office on the 71st floor of a skyscraper. "Even at the sound of approaching aircraft, I felt nervous Salti, and after the explosion, demanding pulled the ladder" - Rivera told reporters. A faithful friend patiently, step by step, the fragm...



Labrador, who discovered more than 40 million smuggled cigarettes, leaving the service at customs.10-year-old Lucky spent at the border with Lithuania Budzhisko paragraph 7 years. It is through this transition offenders trying to bring cheap cigarettes from Russia to the EU. 

For good work the four-footed enemy smugglers bestowed a special gold award. "He has found millions of cigarettes, which could fill four large trucks. Price confiscated by Lucky smuggling - more ...


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