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One of the best schools for the preparation of the Australian Customs dog is considered. It is not many people know that this train working dogs, and for other countries, including USA, China and Japan. This center was created in 1969 and the first dogs that have passed this course, became Resignation animals taken from shelters. Meanwhile, in the early 90s when the school organized its own nursery, where he engaged in cultivation of tetrapods that are optimal for custom work.&nbs...


Labrador - Athlete 
Labrador 3 seconds picking up speed 20 km / h Swims at a speed of 5 km / h, which is twice the rate of diving ducks and the average walking speed ravnyaeetsya people Dives to a depth of 14 meters Can swim 25 meters underwater Jumps in length by 8 meters. Scent from Labrador to 25% greater than the scent of German Shepherds. Labrador is very clever dog 

By rezultatm research scientists from the University of Bri...


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